Drop-Off Services

Winton MFG accepts yard & wood waste drop-off at our facility.

Open to the public

Monday thru Friday 9am- 4pm,

Saturday 12pm - 4pm,

Closed Sundays.

Tipping Fees

$68 per ton with a $15 minimum fee for loads under 400 pounds. *

*All tipped material has an Energy Recovery Fee of 5.44% and is applied to the final sale.

Your clean, garbage free, yard waste is tomorrows compost for local gardens and farms.

Please be mindful and follow the below instructions on what is and isn't acceptable for yard waste drop-off.

Accepted Items

Yard Waste - including needles & cones, grass clippings, garden residues, leaves & branches. May be bagged in plain brown paper yard waste bags, no plastic.

Land Clearing Waste - all tree species, root balls (free of rocks & dirt), tree trunks and branches. No limit on diameter but please keep lengths to less than 8 ft.

Untreated Wood Waste - free of nails, staples and paint.

Items NOT Allowed:

Plastics, Glass, or Metals

Pet Waste or Manures

Treated or Painted Wood

Rocks & Dirt

*All drop-offs subject to inspection and rejection based on contamination.